Plus 30% off the CSB Outreach Bible
Summer’s almost here. That means time for lemonade stands, pool parties, fireworks—and reaching out to your neighbors.
For much of the year, it can be difficult to deepen our relationships with neighbors after the garage doors hit the ground or the apartment doors swing shut. But as summer draws us outside, we have big opportunities to invest in relationships and share the gospel with the people who live closest to us.
Are you ready to use this summer to connect with your neighbors and advance God’s kingdom? Here are 10 practical suggestions for your summer:
1. Move to your front yard. Think about where you’re more likely to see your neighbors, and then spend your free time there. Read a book or enjoy your dessert on your front step. Move the game of catch from the backyard to the front.
2. Take advantage of moving season to welcome newcomers.
3. Get a pass to the local pool.
4. Plan a barbecue or picnic. Organize a cook-out with your whole block to get conversations started. Or invite just one family over and spend an evening getting to know them.
5. Run a backyard Bible club.
6. Plant a garden or join a community garden. Ask the expert gardeners for their tips. Share your extra zucchini with the neighbors.
7. Wash your cars and offer to wash your neighbors’ cars too. This is a great way to get your kids involved in serving your neighbors.
8. Start a book club. You don’t even have to be reading a Christian book to start meaningful conversations about life and death or about values and beliefs.
9. Invite your neighbor along on adventures. Taking your restless kids to a museum or park? Invite a neighbor to come along.
10. Ask a neighbor to pick up your mail or check on your plants while you’re on vacation. That simple display of trust can deepen a relationship. When you get home, invite them over for dinner.
One last thing: When you share the gospel with someone, be sure they have their very own copy of God’s Word. Pick up a few extra copies of the CSB Outreach Bible for 30% off! Featuring answers to frequently asked questions, a “where to turn” topical guide to Scripture, suggested resources for further study, and more.