CSB News & Information

Archives for 2023

A four-step model for caring for a hurting friend

There’s a special sort of awkwardness that comes from not knowing how to be there for a friend in need. But that time of shared grief and presence is extremely important to a friendship. In this month of focusing on what it means to be comforted by God, it is good to turn biblical wisdom … [Read More…]

Greek Word Devos–eleos

In our Greek Word Devotional series, we discuss some of our favorite passages in the Bible, focusing on the specific use of certain Greek words. As we look to pick up our Bible and rest, let’s turn our attention to boulē and how God’s plans ultimately bring us comfort. Acts 20:27 says: “…because I did … [Read More…]

Explore Your Faith

So far, we’ve encouraged you to pick up your Bible and read, pray, and serve. In July, the CSB is looking to pick up the Bible and explore. Exploration can be physical, spiritual, relational, educational, and anything in between! Here are just a few ideas on expanding your spiritual topography, but there are certainly more … [Read More…]