CSB News & Information

A New Podcast from The Christian Standard Bible and Christianity Today

What happens when the Bible and humanity collide? Not what you’d expect.

Christian Standard Bible and Christianity Today set out to create a podcast that explores the heart of Hebrews 4:12 (“the word of God is living & effective”) by examining how God’s Word shaped the world and changed lives. But the answers weren’t always simple or straightforward.

Join host Richard Clark (Christianity Today) as he talks with pastors, scholars, historians, and experts about the surprising ways the Bible accomplishes God’s plan in the world.

Guests include Trevin Wax, Mark Noll, Thabiti Anyabwile, Jamar Tisby, Karen Swallow Prior, Greg Thorbury, and more. The first episode releases on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and Soundcloud on Wednesday, October 31st. Learn more at livingandeffective.com.