What does the Old Testament have to do with the New? What comprises a good, biblical, sermon? What is Biblical Theology?
We recently brought a few members of the CSB Translation Oversight Committee together to discuss these questions and more! Below are a few highlights.
What role does a Bible translation play in biblical exegesis?
“Every translation needs to have interpretive bifocals. A set of lenses that help us understand the ancient context and ancient language, but at the same time we need familiarity with the target language and target culture and context. Really good Bible translations will both be faithful to the original, but help us see how you say that in this language, today. That’s actually an argument that we always need revised or new translations, because our language and culture changes.” Watch more here.
—Dr. Darian Lockett, Associate Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, Talbot School of Theology
Why is the Old Testament important for understanding the New?
“The New Testament is always taking us back to the Old; to the structures, the story, the institutions, the events, and to the persons. So it’s vital for us as Christians to study and know the Old Testament, so we can grasp the profundity, richness, and beauty of the revelation we have in Jesus Christ.” Watch more here.
—Dr. Tom Schreiner, Professor in New Testament Interpretation and Biblical Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS)
What role does a Bible translation play in a sermon?
“In sermon preparation, we need to look carefully at how different translations render a particular text. The value of that is checking your own exegesis: If you’ve got some meaning in that text that ten different translations you compare with go in a different direction, it might be wise for you to check yourself out. Maybe your meaning might not be the right one.” Watch more here.
—Dr. David Allen, Dean and Distinguished Professor of Preaching, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS)
Several panels also addressed practical Bible questions like:
- Why is prayer important?
- Why are there so many Bible translations?
- Plus some practical tips on how to read the Bible
Check out the full playlist here.