For Her

Need a Bible for the women in your life? The CSB She Reads Truth Bible is great for women who strive to be “Women in the Word of God every day.” With included reading plans, wide margins for note-taking and journaling, and so many more features, it makes the perfect gift for your significant other, mom, sister, daughter, mail-woman, etc.

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For Him

Everything we just said about the CSB She Reads Truth Bible applies here. This edition is great for men who are looking to be “Men in the Word of God every day.” So drop the hammer (carefully) and pick up the CSB He Reads Truth Bible for any of the men in your life!

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For the Kids

Need a good stocking stuffer for the kids? You can’t go wrong with the CSB Kids Bible and the One Big Story Bible. Both are intended to walk kids through the Bible, helping contextualize key passages and tough texts in age-appropriate ways. These Bibles are great ways to cultivate life-long faith and Bible-reading skills from a young age.

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For Digging Deeper

Some of us are ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work studying the Bible more deeply. That’s where these editions come in. The CSB Tony Evans Study Bible, the Tony Evans Bible Commentary (recently awarded the ECPA Bronze Award!), and the CSB Study Bible offer in-depth exploration and commentary through the whole Bible. Here you’ll find helpful articles, word studies, devotionals, and much more. These Bibles are great for the people in your life whom you lovingly call “incredibly nerdy.”

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Buy CSB Tony Evans Bible Commentary

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  And if you like your commentary to come from old dead guys, the CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible and CSB Spurgeon Study Bible are great study resources as well!

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Buy CSB Spurgeon Study Bible

For Those Who Like Structure

The brand new CSB Psalms in 30 Days leads us through all 150 Psalms in one month. This is done by praying three Psalms a day–at morning, midday, and evening, following historical precedent. This is an ideal gift for the people in your life who thrive with structured worship and seek a deeper relationship with God.

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For Just the Text

This here is what some might call a “no nonsense” Bible. The CSB Deluxe Gift Bible is a beautiful and well-made Bible that allows us to read the Bible as it is—no commentary, no references, or extras. This is a great Bible for those who get distracted when too much is happening on the page, or for those who want to do their own studies with other supplemental resources. This edition is a catch-all for any person who loves Scripture and is looking for a text edition.

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For the Note-Takers, Journalers, & Doodlers

Some of us focus better when we are writing down notes or drawing artistic masterpieces while listening to a sermon or lecture. For these people, we have our CSB Scripture Notebooks  (also available as an OT Set and NT Set) and CSB Hosanna Revival Edition Notetaking Bible (with new matching Scripture Notecards!). Note taking, journaling, and doodling can be their own form of praise and worship. These are the perfect editions for those who find themselves with pen moving furiously during their time in the Bible!

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For the Student

Being a student is hard. Besides their studies, they have a social life that may lead to people who, for the first time, may not agree with their Christian worldview. How do we help our students stand firm as they transition into this new stage of life? With the new CSB Student Study Bible! With student-focused resources and tools, this edition of the CSB hopes to be a help to students across the globe who may need some help and encouragement as they cling to Christ in the face of new challenges.

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Premium Pick

If you’re looking for a Bible for the pastors and teachers in your life, the Holman Handcrafted CSB Verse-by-Verse Reference Bible is the one. It’s the Cadillac of CSBs. With its hand crafted, high-quality goatskin-leather cover and linings, this Bible is made for everyday use and study. Each verse gets its own line with easy-to-use cross-references noted at the bottom of each page. Be sure to get this great edition today!

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