The CSB Team
The Bible is meant to be read, understood, and shared. Your translation of God’s Word should be true-to-the-original and the one you like to read. That’s why we’re excited to introduce the Christian Standard Bible.
The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without compromising clarity. An optimal blend of accuracy and readability, this translation is designed to help readers make a deeper connection with God’s Word and to inspire lifelong discipleship.
It is no surprise that Bible reading is a key indicator of spiritual growth and spiritual health among Christians. According to Barna, while Bible ownership is up, unfortunately readership is down. Only 37% of Americans actually read the Bible once a week or more. Additionally, difficulty understanding the text is a top-two frustration among Bible-readers. 1
That is why the CSB is designed to be both literal and readable. A translation that is trustworthy, and easy to understand. A Bible pastors can preach from, and anyone can easily share with a friend or neighbor reading it for the very first time.
The goal of the CSB is simply this: to grow the number of people reading God’s Word and serve the Church in her mission to make disciples.
What Leaders Are Saying about the CSB
“I like to use the Christian Standard Bible because it’s a translation that’s faithful to the Bible’s original manuscripts, with oversight by some trusted partners in ministry.”
—Kyle Idleman, Teaching Pastor, Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, Kentucky
“The Christian Standard Bible provides a clear trustworthy translation of the Holy Scriptures in a style that the reader can clearly hear the voice of God in print speaking to their soul.”
—Tony Evans, Senior Pastor, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas, TX
“As a pastor, I want a Bible translation that is trustworthy for preaching and study, but accessible enough for my people to read and understand for themselves. For this reason, I’m delighted to commend to you the Christian Standard Bible.”
—Alistair Begg, Senior Pastor, Parkside Church, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
“I am deeply grateful for the Christian Standard Bible, because it is rigorously faithful to the original languages without sacrificing clear readability. This translation will help believers and non-believers around the world be able to read, understand, memorize, obey, and proclaim God’s Word.”
—David Platt, President, International Mission Board
“The Christian Standard Bible lines up perfectly with my core ministry goals—theological soundness and accessibility for the everyday person.”
—Lisa Harper, Bible teacher and author
Learn more about the translation philosophy and translation oversight committee, or read the CSB online today.
1. Barna Group for American Bible Society, “State of the Bible Report,” 2014