Pick Up Your Bible and Read
God speaks through an open Bible
The CSB is taking a cue from theologian and philosopher Augustine and encouraging you to “Pick Up Your Bible and Read.”
One of many significant fathers of the faith, Augustine describes his conversion in his autobiographical Confessions, noting that the moment of his conversion struck him while he was struggling with a life of sin. He heard children in the neighborhood chanting “pick up and read” and interpreted it as a call to turn to his Bible. The passage he turned to addressed his sin struggle and instructed him to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ.” Upon reading this, Augustine described feeling “a peaceful light streaming into my heart.”
The call to pick up your Bible and read is not one of consternation but rather a joyful invitation without shame or expectation. God meets us in his Word. How we love our neighbor, pray, and speak—it all starts with picking up the Bible and hearing from God.
Before we’ve worked out what comes next, before we’ve shed our struggles or carved out the perfect life, we can pick up our Bibles and encounter beauty, redemption, and hope.
Start for the first time. Start fresh again. Start discouraged. Start motivated. Start today. Pick up your Bible and read!
Get Involved
While we Pick Up Our Bibles and Read, we’ll also be focusing on a different theme for each month. You can expect to see new articles, encouragement, and practical next steps for engaging with your Bible. Check out a few of the resources below to get started!
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