Thanks for joining us for our monthly Praying the Bible series! God’s Word is one of the most powerful tools he gives us for approaching him and shaping our hearts after his. In the midst of hectic schedules and long to-do lists, let’s not neglect this priority. Learn more about the Praying the Bible Series.
Luke 11:2-4
“He said to them, ‘Whenever you pray, say,
your name be honored as holy.
Your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
for we ourselves also forgive everyone
in debt to us.
And do not bring us into temptation.’”
How kind it is of God to show us how to pray to him. Our God wants us to spend time talking with him. He wants us to come before him with thanksgiving, praise, repentance, and requests. God’s not bored or annoyed by your prayers—he loves them, because he loves you.
Praying this passage is self-explanatory, but dozens of books have been written to expound the riches in this simple prayer. Let’s just slow down and pray through this passage line by line.
Father. We’re not talking to a distant or cold God. This is our almighty Father.
Your name be honored as holy. God’s holiness is independent of our honoring him, but we have the privilege to honor his name. Praise God for specific reasons his name deserves honor: his perfect character, his work in creation, his sacrifice for our sins, and on and on.
Your kingdom come. Consider the glimpses of heaven we see in Revelation and elsewhere in the Bible: no sickness or death, no fear, no cruelty. Children never go hungry. People aren’t oppressed, bullied, or hated. God isn’t indifferent to the suffering in this world; he has a better plan for our future. Let’s pray that this plan be manifested on earth as a foreshadowing of its perfect fulfillment in heaven. What would it look like for his kingdom to come within your family or church? Pray for the reconciliation, peace, and joy that come from God alone.
Give us each day our daily bread. God knows the details of what we need. Let’s ask him for his help with the trivial details as well as the big stuff. Pray for the specific needs of your kids, your spouse, your parents, and your friends.
And forgive us our sins as we ourselves also forgive everyone in debt to us. While Jesus has paid for our sins on the cross, coming before God to repent and ask for forgiveness is an ongoing part of the Christian life. It reminds us again and again how much we need God and how deeply he has forgiven us. Repent specifically and ask for his forgiveness.
And do not bring us into temptation. This can be an especially sweet prayer to pray for our families. As we ask God to protect the hearts of the people in your family, we often become more sympathetic to their struggles against sin, which softens our hearts towards them when they do sin against us.