CSB News & Information

Greek Word Devos–eleos

In our Greek Word Devotional series, we discuss some of our favorite passages in the Bible, focusing on the specific use of certain Greek words. As we look to pick up our Bible and rest, let’s turn our attention to boulē and how God’s plans ultimately bring us comfort. Acts 20:27 says: “…because I did … [Read More…]

Subscribe to a new 7-day CSB reading plan on YouVersion

2020 has been a year of changes and challenges for many of us. During this season of many unknowns, the one thing we do know is that seeking wisdom from God is so important. We hope this 7-day devotional plan will be a time for you to sit with God’s Word and seek his wisdom … [Read More…]

Spend Holy Week in the Gospels

Christianity’s roots run deep with examples of strong faith from spiritual giants throughout history. The CSB has put together a reading plan on YouVersion to help bring the insights and wisdom of ancient believers to today’s Church. Spend your Holy Week in the Gospels, learning from these important figures in church history. This reading plan … [Read More…]