CSB News & Information

Greek Word Devos – sōtēr

In our Greek Word Devotional series, we discuss some of our favorite passages in the Bible, focusing on the specific use of certain Greek words. Today, we look at 1 Timothy 4:10. “For this reason we labor and strive, because we put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, … [Read More…]

Greek Word Devos–enkataleipō

In our Greek Word Devotional series, we discuss some of our favorite passages in the Bible, focusing on the specific use of certain Greek words. As we celebrate Easter, we wanted to look at Mark 15:34. And at three Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lemà sabachthàni?” which is translated, “My God, … [Read More…]