CSB News & Information

Upcoming 2018 CSB Editions

Holman Bible Publishers and the CSB team are continually working to provide new Bible editions to help people read God’s Word consistently.

This year we’re excited to publish several unique resources (like the CSB Worldview Study Bible), family-oriented editions (see our CSB Great and Small Bible), portable Bibles (be sure to pick up a CSB Ultrathin Bible), as well as improving past editions such as increasing the font size of the CSB Outreach Bible.

Every note and design choice is meant to serve readers as they engage with the Word of God.Here’s a quick look at some of the upcoming CSB Bibles scheduled for publication over the next 6 months


Pulpit Bible
Designed for public preaching and teaching, the CSB Pulpit Bible features extra large, easy-to-read 16-point type and a durable genuine leather cover with reinforced binding that will last for years. Publication Date: March 2018

Ultrathin Bibles
The CSB Ultrathin Bible is easy to carry and easy to read, featuring 8.5-point type and an ultrathin design which slips easily into a purse, briefcase, or backpack. As America’s oldest Bible Publisher, Holman (publisher of the CSB) is a pioneer in the development of Ultrathin Bibles, giving careful attention to breakthroughs in typography and paper manufacturing to produce a Bible that combines readability, portability, and durability. Publication Date: March 2018

Outreach Bible
The CSB Outreach Bible contains the complete CSB text and is designed for churches, ministries, and individuals to share with new believers and nonbelievers. This simple, accessible Bible also provides ancillary resources to answer common questions and gradually draw seekers into reading the Scriptures. We will be releasing an updated version with increased text size in response to feedback about our current Outreach Bibles. Publication Date: Early Summer 2018


Study Bible for Women
The CSB Study Bible for Women equips you to reach deep into God’’s Word. As the most comprehensive study Bible ever prepared for women and by women, the most powerful aspect of this Bible are the “threads” of specialized study thoughtfully woven throughout pointing you to God’’s larger story and allowing the Holy Spirit to write His revealed truths on your heart. Publication Date: April 2018

Worldview Study Bible
The CSB Worldview Study Bible features extensive worldview study notes and articles by notable worldview scholars to help Christians better understand the grand narrative and flow of Scripture within the biblical framework from which we are called to view reality and make sense of life and the world. This Bible is an invaluable resource and study tool that will help you to discuss, defend, and clearly share with others the truth, hope, and practical compatibility of Christianity in everyday life. Publication Date: May 2018

Study Bible Personal Size
The CSB Study Bible Personal Size Edition is designed to help you know and be transformed by God’s Word. To inspire you to grow in your understanding and love for God’s Word, the CSB Study Bible includes an award-winning array of study resources including over 16,000 study notes, tools, and word studies. For both deep study and daily reading, the CSB Study Bible Personal Size Edition is the ideal resource for lifelong discipleship. Publication Date: March 2018

Rainbow Study Bible
The CSB Rainbow Study Bible features a unique color-coding system that allows readers to quickly and easily identify twelve major themes of Scripture throughout the biblical text: God, discipleship, love, faith, sin, evil, salvation, family, outreach, commandments, history, and prophecy. The system also underlines all the words directly spoken by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Publication Date: May 2018


Great and Small Bible
All creatures great and small . . . the Lord God made them all!
This full-text Bible, complemented by delightful illustrations of great-and-small animal friends, makes the perfect gift to welcome babies. Two dozen full-color inserts offer plenty of space to record all of baby’s special moments—from first measurements to first steps—creating a keepsake to always cherish. Publication Date: February 2018

Kids Bible Hardcover
This CSB Kids Bible offers young readers an exciting approach to Bible study. Dozens of full-color pages arefilled with study helps that will expand kids’ Bible knowledge and help them connect to the people, places, and events they are learning about. Perfect for using at home, church, and school, the Study Bible for Kids is a Bible that will grow with your kids as they grow in Christ while withstanding your Kid’s day-to-day hustle. Publication Date: February 2018

Baby’s New Testament with Psalms
The perfect little gift for your new little love!  What better baby shower or dedication gift than God’s Word? The CSB Baby’s New Testament with Psalms will welcome your baby now and become a sweet keepsake later. Publication Date: January 2018