The CSB Team
“These words are faithful and true.”—Revelation 22:6
God’s Word reveals his character and will to us, transforming our lives and leaving us in awe of his glory. In these words from Revelation, we know that God’s Word is faithful and true to guide us and provide for us as we follow Christ and pursue his mission around the world.
Because God’s Word is faithful and true, providing a translation that is highly faithful to the original text and highly readable is extremely important. This is the overarching purpose behind the publication of the Christian Standard Bible. More than 100 Bible scholars from 17 denominations have worked together to translate the original languages into English with an optimal blend of accuracy and readability. The ultimate goal is to engage more people in reading and sharing God’s Word.
The Christian Standard Bible is a revision of the HCSB, updating translation word choices to optimize both faithfulness to the original languages and readability for a modern audience, so that it might be read and understood, inspiring lifelong discipleship.
The Translation Oversight Committee, a multi-denominational team co-chaired by Drs. Tom Schreiner and David Allen, incorporated advances in biblical scholarship and input from Bible scholars, pastors, and readers to provide a translation that is highly accurate and highly readable. In all cases, the intent of the Christian Standard Bible is to convey the original meaning of God’s Word as faithfully and as clearly as possible.
While the CSB incorporates both the latest scholarship and linguistic advances, those responsible for stewarding the translation are committed to traditional, conservative principles, and prayerfully dedicated to pursuing the timeless truth of God’s Word.
Learn more about the CSB.